Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Eco Week!

On the 29th of April, Eco week started. Eco week is a whole week where we do lots of activities. On the Monday, Thursday, and Friday we did stuff with our classes, and on Tuesday and Wednesday we got split into random groups and do activities all over the grounds.

  On Monday we started Eco Week off by all bringing in a healthy breakfast and eating it outside. Then we did different activities with our classes. I made mini pizzas,saw a storyteller, and watched a theatre performance.

  On Tuesday it was a grounds day, meaning that we were in different groups. I was with one of the Y6 teachers. The activities I did that day were Willow Weaving, Weather Station, Pop Bottle Greenhouse, and Brecon Night Sky. I had a great day!

   On Wednesday I was in the same group as yesterday, and the activities I did on Wednesday were Zip wire, Sports Stars, Newport Wetlands, and Parachute. It was just as fun as Tuesday!

    On Thursday it was another day with our classes. I did Bees, Skipping, Music, and lots of singing! It was very different from the other days!

   On Friday Y6 and Y5 walked up Table Mountain. It was a 1 and a half mile walk up, and the same down. Lots of things happened! First my friend twisted her ankle, and then we took forever to get to the top because of her ankle. I then twisted my ankle on the way down! I loved going up Table Mountain!

Eco Week was my first, and last one, and I thoroughly enjoyed my self. I wish I could do it again, but next year I am in High School! YAY!